Twitter event: "The Berlin wall project"

 WHO? Senior 5 Newlands + Senior 3 Las Cumbres + Anyone willing to take part!

Date: Thursday 15th
Time: 9:30pm
Hashtag: #muroNlsLc

Be online at 9:30pm on Tweetchat following #muroNlsLc connected with your Twitter user.
Doing this, each of your tweets will already have the #muroNlsLc hashtag written.
Every 15 minutes there will be a new task tweeted for you to complete in a tweet.
If your tweets need more than 140 characters you can use twitlonger BUT always remember to write the #muroNlsLc hashtag because if you don`t we will not see your tweets.
When we finish I will generate a Tweetdoc with all your contributions and you will make a Storify with a selection of resources to explain the project.
Your tweets should have this format, example:
@DanielFurchert @MaryFurchert all of this madness is over! I knew god was listening to our prayers" #muroNlsLc

Source: A literature community in Twitter is born
Thanks Lenny Ambrosini!!!
